The top-of-the-line ERBOTOM ICC 350 heads ERBE’s family of units for HF surgery. They’ve given it one-of-a-kind functionality for all-round use, with the features and abilities developed in close teamwork with leading surgeons from many different medical disciplines.
The ICC 350 has received world-wide attention and recognition; it is a step forward from conventional surgical methods and opens the way for new ones.
- Cut control – for automatic perfect cuts
- High cut with specialized arc regulation for underwater cuts or in fatty structures
- Endo cut – the cutting mode for endoscopy
- Mono- und biopolar cutting (Bipolar Cut)
- Power Peak System (PPS) for intelligent support of initial incision and cutting
- Precisely controlled coagulation and no carbonization with Soft Coag
- Forced Coag – for situations where speed is essential
- Spray Coag – for efficient surface coagulation
- Argon-Plasma Coagulation unit ERBE APC 300 hookup as standard equipment
- Mono- und bipolar coagulation (Bipolar Coag)
- Twin Coag – for comfortable coagulation on two channels: connector and individual settings for two Coag instruments
- Auto Start and Auto Stop – for coagulation support
- Maximum user-friendly operation via 11 individually configurable programs
- Nessy the one-of-a-kind Neutral Electrode Safety System
- Double-safe cutting with Cut Control and Biopolar Cut
Kantor Jl.Percetakan Negara II No.6 Jakarta Pusat
Telp : 021 – 42888555 / 42888333
Fax : 021 – 42879390
Big Boss : 0812-9295-295
Admin 1 ( Aries ) : 0811-9327-999
Admin 2 ( Moko ) : 0811-9328-999
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